Willis and Grabham online offers a 'No Quibble Guarantee' on all purchases. This means anything purchased can be returned as long as it has not been worn or used.
Willis and Grabham online do not offer a free returns service unless the items are faulty or incorrectly sent. In these cases Willis and Grabham online will refund the postage/carriage costs. providing they are agreed with us first, and using our preferred carrier only
If you are not happy with your purchase for any reason, you may return it to us within 14 days of receipt for an immediate refund. If you need an exchange just tick the box on the return form with size required
In order to qualify for a refund all items must be in its original condition and undamaged packaging, and accompanied with our returns form. Willis & Grabham Online reserves the right to refuse any refund if the returned goods do not meet the above conditions.
Please click here to download the Willis and Grabham online returns form, and return this along with your order.
If you are unable to print this form then please include a covering letter with order number, full contact details and information as to why the item is being returned to us.
Send all returns to:
Willis and Grabham Online
West Ritherdons
Langford Budville
TA21 0RL
Willis and Grabham online accept no responsibility or liability for items that are lost or damaged during transit back to us. For your protection we recommend using recorded delivery or a postal service which is tracked and includes insurance to the value of goods being returned.